Loch Ness Marathon - 3rd October
With another KIMM entry secured, team Gilbertson / Kelly knew some heavy endurance training was in order if there was any chance of a reasonable day out in the Long Score event. There was some big talk but due to logistics these were cut down to a joint Loch Ness marathon gig. Ross was due to run as well but a txt at 02:26 on the morning of the race indicated he was full of whisky and wouldn’t be attending – some excuse about being best man at a wedding or something.
Thought about writing a blow by blow account but the text commentary makes better reading. It was a hard course for sure but the NOBRA boyz went home happy !
To set the picture a little – Joe was doing support along the route on his mtn bike and Alan was playing golf in Malayasia !
Anyway …
This is the transcript of your text commentary;
Graham - "NOBRA boyz all tucked in up in the sneck. Pishin & windy perfect weather fur pain. Spanish Joe has the sackets of gel ready tae hand out at 17 mile!"
Alan - "NOBRA knobs. I'm having breakfast on the golfers terrace at sepang,south of KL. It looks like the golf will b hot today, thank god for the wee buggy. Wish I was there wi u."
Joe - "Well me and the bike is all ready for loch ness 2morro. I've got the mountain bike as well"
Lee - "Last forecast I saw was for thunder and lightning and ten degrees. Oh aye and gale force winds. At least they were southerly ..."
Joe - "Do you remember 2 in the morning at the B&B the last time. "Oye you!,
Come back wae ma gate"
Alan - "I do. You just made me laugh out loud. All the best biker"
Next morning ...
Alan - "And how are the Athletes feeling this morning? Best of luck. Joe, text me the split times at 1/2, 20M and finish"
Joe - "Nae bother. It's Cold this morning but so far dry. German just left to meet Lee."
Graham - "Daen fine. Just off tae meet big Dot - Results to follow"
Lee - "Wish I was there golfing"
The Race ...
Alan - "Joe, what's the latest from Dores Hill?"
Joe - "They just passed half way 2 hours. Running together. Leader at 1hr 15mins"
Alan - "Past 15 miles yet?"
Joe - "Winning time 2hrs 28ish. At 15 mile Lee is leaving the German behind. german calf is sore and long climb at 17 to go.
Alan - "Sounds like Lee is going well. Where are they now"
Joe - "Past 19 mile at 2hrs 54mins"
Joe - Both boys in trouble at 21M. Lee's foot is "goupin"
Joe - "Boys in trouble at 23miles in 3hrs 30mins
Alan - "Walking together?"
Joe - "Running"
Alan - "What's the latest update?"
Joe - "Still Running at 25"
Joe - "3hrs 53 mins not finished yet"
Joe - "3h53 gk 3h56 lee
Alan - "Well done. Both under 4hrs is good. Not the easiest course? Lee still doing louisville?
Joe - "Eh! No"
Joe - "Gk revised time 3h55"

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